It’s Friday, right? It’s felt like such a long week that I’m a little scared we aren’t officially at Friday. Maybe the Friday Fifteen will make it feel more real. Onto the reviews!
1. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Collins works in touching moments and touching moments in the Hunger Games sequel.
2. Birds of America by Lorrie Moore
Moore balances the literary short story well with a good dose of humor.
3. Felicity’s Surprise (American Girls: Felicity #3) by Valerie Tripp
Middle school dances are cooler in Colonial Williamsburg.
4. Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
So. Freaking. Cute. The fuzzy owls, the anxiety over mom coming back–can’t even deal.
5. Feed by M.T. Anderson
It’s not all GIFs and kitten videos when your brain’s connected to the internet.