Ten Reasons Why You Should Read…Sekret by Lindsay Smith

My second Fourteenery read was Lindsay Smith’s Sekret, which I was so looking forward to after seeing fellow Fourteener Emily Kate Johnston read it and love it during the retreat. Needless to say, it totally lived up to expectations. So here are a few reasons why you should read Sekret.

photo1. Back in the USSR
This is one book with a stand-out setting. Yulia is growing up in Communist Russia, under Khruschev’s rule in the mid-1960s, and the setting almost becomes another character as Yulia deals with ration lines, the black market, politics, and the space race. Lindsay’s done her research and it shows.

2. Tinker, Tailor, Psychic, Spy
How does the phrase “psychic spy” not hook you? Add the fact that this is kind of based in reality is even cooler.

3. Trust No One
I spent most of the book not having any idea who Yulia/I should trust. Valentin and Sergei, fellow psychic spies? Her mother? The KGB operative in charge of the program? Lindsay works in lots of twists and turns that kept me guessing.

4. Yulia
A kickass main character who’s had to risk danger even before she was “chosen” for the special KBG operation, I liked how Yulia always tried to stay a step ahead of her enemies–whomever that may be.

5. It’s in Your Genes
A theme in Sekret is genetics and how we’re programed to be the kind of people we are. I loved seeing Yulia try to figure out who she is and what her place in the world is, considering her powers.

6. What’s My Name Again?
In Russian culture, people go by first names, patronymic names, last names, and middle names. Lindsay doesn’t make this complicated for the reader who (like me) doesn’t know much about Russian. But I loved seeing this cultural norm pop up in the plot in really cool ways.

7. Music Major
Music plays a big role in Sekret and I love how so many different kinds–classical, jazz, rock, traditional folk songs–come together in such an interesting way. It connects so well to the blending of the old and new and formal and informal in Communist Russia.

8. That Jaw-Drop Moment I Had
No, I’m not going to tell you what it is. But I will say that I loved the plot’s twists and turns, especially one big moment.

9. Lindsay Smith: Most Likely in the Fourteenery to Be a Badass Secret Agent
Lindsay writes about the Cold War and spies and Communist Russia so well because she knows these subjects really well. She works in foreign affairs, has studied Russian, and has walked the streets of Moscow.

10. But Wait, There’s More
Did I mention it’s a series? That’s right–you don’t have to feel too sad once you finish this one because we get to read more.

Sekret is being released on April 15, 2014, but you can look into the future by preordering it now. (I had to get at least one psychic joke in there, right?) Happy reading!

Ten Reasons Why You Should Read…How to Love by Katie Cotugno

-1One exciting part of being a debut author is getting to know other debut authors and read their books before they’re released. The first Fourteenery book I’ve had the opportunity to read was How to Love by Katie Cotugno and guys–it was so good.

“But Annie,” you say, “What do you mean by so good? What makes it good?” I’m glad you asked! In no particular order, here are ten reasons why you should read How to Love:

1. Before and After
How to Love is structured with alternating before/after chapters, looking at how Reena and Sawyer first get together and if they can reunite after things get way complicated. Katie uses this structure so well. Inevitably, I’d end a ‘before’ chapter thinking “No, I have to find out what happens next!” and then read the following ‘after’ chapter and think the exact same thing by the end of that, too. Both the before and the after sections are so compelling and leave the reader with a growing sense of why this couple was/is/can’t be/has to be together.

2. Reena and Sawyer
Reena and Sawyer are one of my favorite YA couples. They’ve got major chemistry and make so much sense together, but they also make a lot of mistakes and go through a lot of tough stuff. So often I thought, “I get why these people want to be together.” It feels like a real, specific relationship. And they’re both compelling as individual characters.

3. Baby Love
Lots of YA novels that deal with teen pregnancy mostly deal with the pregnancy itself, not with the baby. I love seeing Reena’s relationship with her daughter, Hannah–it feels warm and real–and also seeing how Hannah has affected all the relationships in Reena and Sawyer’s families.

4. Kickass Writing
Katie Cotugno knows how to turn a phrase, y’all. I don’t want to spoil any of the good ones by posting them here, out of context, but there were so many great lines that sprung up naturally but really sparkled. An attention to lyrical prose is something I tend to love in books anyway, and Katie really nailed it.

5. Like a Prayer
Reena’s from a pretty Catholic family, which I thought was an interesting addition to the story. A lot of teens have religion as part of their lives, but I don’t tend to see it too much it fiction. It felt real here–it’s a part of Reena’s live, but the story itself doesn’t focus on that.

6. Life Happens
A few times throughout How to Love, life happens–trauma and frustration and those things you never expect to happen to you. I love that Katie took the plot in those directions. Again, it all felt real, just like when you get those scary phone calls in real life with news that something bad happened.

7. Laughter
Like the kickass prose, there are lots of funny lines throughout, too. In a novel that has a lot of serious life stuff going on, these comic moments were perfectly timed and well earned.

8. Flirting
Okay, so I’ve already expressed my love for Reena and Sawyer above. But I especially seeing them flirt and developing their relationship. It felt like seeing two charismatic people flirting, not just two stock characters. Major swooning, guys.

9. Family Ties
Both the Monteros and the LeGrandes felt like real families, and I liked that the families had a history, not just Reena and Sawyer. A lot of stories neglect the extended relationships, like family friends and friends’ siblings. The relationships in How to Love felt expansive in the best sense of the word; Reena’s world felt complete for me.

10. Katie Is Awesome
In case you need any more convincing, How to Love author Katie Cotugno is pretty much the coolest. She’s smart and funny and bakes a mean crumble. If anyone is going to be your new best author friend, it’s Katie.

The good news? Katie is a member of the Fourteenery, but her book is being released in October, 2013. That’s right–next month! So get preordering already.

The Fourteenery: Fourteen 2014 Debut YA Authors in One Awesome Place

avatar_d1fc23efc31c_128One of the cool things about the YA/children’s lit world is the strong sense of community. Overall, people want to help each other and connect over this common bond of writing for young readers. This can be especially helpful for debut authors just starting to navigate the publishing world and all that entails.

I was lucky enough to join one particular 2014 debut author group–the Fourteenery. We’re a group of fourteen 2014 debut YA authors who’ve bonded over our love of YA lit, Lucille Bluth gifs, and hilariously bad fake book blurbs. From the Fourteenery About page:

14 perfect lines in every Shakespearean sonnet,
14 lazy days in every fortnight,
14 racing horses in every Preakness and Belmont Stakes,

…there are 14 amazing, crazy ridiculous, insanely entertaining 2014 debut YA authors in THE FOURTEENERY, your 100% fresh, not-from-concentrate source for witty, wildly bookish fun.

Yes, there will be interactive Q&A and mega-giveaways and flash fiction, but The Fourteenery is so much more than a debut group.

It’s a gang of 14 friends plus YOU.

When I was first invited to join this group, I had no idea how awesome it would be. Although techincally the Fourteenery just launched, we’ve been a group for almost a year and I freakin’ love these ladies. They’re all so smart, so funny, so talented, and so good at de-stressing everyone. Once, an email thread made me laugh so hard I had to walk away from my computer.

We’re officially live on Tumblr, so make sure to follow us for insights into the publishing process, giveaways, gifs, fandom,, fiction, and more. Trust me–these are some of the coolest, most fun authors around. You want to get to know them.