A few good links for today:
- The second episode of Crossover Appeal is now up! This week we’re mashing up British tv drama fav Downton Abbey and epic fantasy classic Lord of the Rings. Find us on iTunes, Soundcloud, and Stitcher, and on all your favorite social medias.
- Fascinating look at documenting Hawaii Sign Language.
- Major props to the creator of all the BSC handwriting, and other fun Baby-Sitters Club trivia.
- And you can read like your favorite BSC member.
- Mapping out Yoknapatawpha.
- Some necessary middle school reading.
- Remember: if Tyra Banks can write a novel, you can write a novel.
- Loved this post on how to keep writing when your book doesn’t sell.
- Psyched for these forthcoming ebooks about Hogwarts.
- And speaking of the Wizarding World, Zoë Kravitz has been cast in the Fantastic Beasts movie.
- And apparently I need to start planning a trip to the British Library.
- What is the social responsibility of a writer?
- I already have way too many mugs, I need this one.