All the links I’ve been saving:
- Sometimes you need the hard truths.
- Like what it means to actually be a writer.
- Allison has a great post on motherhood and writing.
- Need a trombone? Want to join a coding club? Check your local library.
- Even Judy Blume hates the first draft.
- And Isabel Allende’s first draft can be a struggle, too.
- A few simple tips for writing the biggest bestseller ever.
- It helps it it’s something the same but different.
- On the importance of prison library programs.
- How to be a teen in a novel for adults.
- Crit partner and awesome writer Tara Sullivan on the best advice she’s ever received.
- Some awesome Shakespeare trivia for my fellow English Majors.
- And which Shakespearean play should you see?
- And maybe introduce your kids to Shakespeare.
- On the singular ‘their.’
- Wise words by feminists of color.
- How the Pulitzer affects your sales.
- Love some bookish haiku.
- “There’s no rap battle like a rap battle for 1,300 11th-graders.”
- Being an advocate for your writing career.
- Publishing myths and legends.
- I can totally get behind this casting.
- Anna-Marie McLemore on magical realism and where our magic lives.
- “Next, remember that writing is what you do, not who you are.”
- How to cope with rejections.
- It’s okay if all your reviews are four or five stars.
- Fictional dragons are my jam.
- Batman Returns…his books to the library!
- Diversity and geek culture.