Loving Writing When It’s Hard

The last few weeks have been stressful and busy, and the next few weeks are going to be much the same. Which means I feel like:

Even things I enjoy, like writing, feel like a chore:

I recently came across this quote from Susan Orlean on writing, which seems particularly helpful when I’m stressed and when the writing is hard:

“You have to simply love writing, and you have to remind yourself often that you love it.”

It’s easy to love writing when the words are flowing and you have the time to focus on your craft. But sometimes you have to remind yourself that you love it and that it’s worth it, even if you only get a few words down at a time.

So if you’re having a rough time and feel like the words aren’t flowing, try to remind yourself that you love writing, even when it’s hard and you feel like you can’t get anything on paper. Loving writing when it’s hard is when you’re at your most writerly.

I See (Writer) Pride

Sometimes being a writer is tough. We have to deal with constant rejection and, even when we are successful, we don’t really know what the future will bring. So today, I want to share one of my favorite movie inspiration moments:

Whenever you feel like quitting, remember Junior and Yul Brenner. Now let’s get out there and write!

Clear Eyes, Full Pages

Writing is a tough business. No matter how great your book is or how successful you end up being, you’re going to face a lot of rejections and get bad reviews. Everyone has times when they think “Can I handle this?”

Today, I think we all deserve a little Eric Taylor inspiration:

If I knew more about football, I’d make a metaphor about writing and touchdowns or punting or running all the yards. Instead, I’ll just say, “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!” We may not wear identical jerseys or have marching bands, but I think we can all use a little inspiration. If that’s not enough inspiration for you, Tami Taylor is cheering you on, too:

And if you haven’t seen Friday Night Lights yet, Netflix that right now. (After you get that chapter/section done, of course.)