Spending the Morning with the ALA Youth Media Awards

Most Monday mornings:

ALA Youth Media Award announcement Monday:

My Twitter feed during the announcements:

People tweeting about other things during the announcements:

Speaker comments about the necessity of supporting libraries and literacy:

All of the winners and honorees:

When my livestream blips out for buffering:

What my reading list is like after hearing all the awards:

Congratulations to all the award winner and honorees, especially the team at Candlewick Press. Love you guys!

Turning the Page for Library Support

An awesome video about the Toronto Public Library system and why it needs support.

I think most public libraries (or school libraries for that matter) could say the same. Every so often I see articles about how libraries are dying and how they’re not necessary anymore, but they continue to be a vital resource for their communities–for readers, for families, for educators, for students of all ages, etc. Now more than ever, we need our libraries.

(via bookshelves of doom)

Links Galore

Lots of link-y goodness:

Links Galore

Some good links for the week:

Links Galore

Some good links for the afternoon:

Links Galore

Lots of good links for today:

Links Galore

A few good links for a Tuesday afternoon:

Links Galore

A few more links for your afternoon:

Links Galore

Lots of great links to get you through the week: